If you wait maybe nothing you will have, if you search everything you will find. ~P.O
Oct 30, 2013
If you hurt, ask
forgiveness, If you circumvent to
others; ask forgiveness, if you wanted evil to others; ask forgiveness, if you
have done wrong; ask forgiveness and
then you will be worthy of an life with rewards ~P.O
Jul 21, 2013
Love is freedom, like a bird in your hand open, with wings,
and the option to leave, but is there that is happy ~P.O
The dreams do not have walls, distances or impossible ~P.O
Jul 8, 2013
When is much happiness, it seems that you can touch with your hands~P.O
Apr 21, 2013
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, people die,
your heart is beating, listen to it!~P.O
Apr 12, 2013
Your desires with great faith, can not last a lifetime, because soon become a reality~P.O