Nov 24, 2011

A drop of water more, a grain of sand more  and a hug more, make the difference.~P.O

Oct 12, 2011

The fruits of life, not last long, when the crops are with passion ~P.O

Jul 22, 2011

In the silence listen to your heartbeat, feel  with consciousness: The life.~P.O

Hapless man who betrays his friend, because his heart be filled with cold.~P.O

May 1, 2011

Many angels exist in the Planet Earth, closely together of you, looking after yourself, only you have to feel them. ~P.O

Apr 28, 2011

Make Things you've never done,Surprise yourself! ~P.O

Apr 10, 2011

Do not be afraid, the fear are chains in your life, always let yourself be guided by your heart, is the only way to get your freedom ~P.O

Apr 4, 2011

When we pray, we work with our faith, which extends over the planet earth. Today more than ever, we need urgently ~P.O

Feb 20, 2011

Feb 8, 2011

The beauty is in the simplest thing,In the simplest thing one finds the truth,In the truth one finds the purity;The purity is the beauty ~P.O

Feb 7, 2011

Friendship Without Borders travel to the heart,joins souls in one language: The Love.~P.O

Jan 23, 2011

Jan 3, 2011

The best brand is the one you looked to your heart. ~ P.O

There is no truth so pure like the that born of love.~P.O